Saturday 21 February 2015

First time parenting - I grew up as a mom

The very first life I gave birth to - Tharun, my first baby, is going to turn four.

I thought I will take few moments to write about the first few years of parenthood. When I turn back and look at first time parenting it sounds funny. But when I was undergoing it, it was a serious phase.

I should say, Tharun was a trained kid.  Any first time parent can relate what I am saying as "trained". We go by the clock and not by the needs. Those were the days he got sleep trained. Those were the days, his nursing times were strictly limited. I still remember the funny days of me crying because he rejected food. But I was socially pressurized.

If the baby loses one pound - its because the mom is working and shows no care. If the baby doesn't eat spicy food - its because the way mom chose on foods. Everything was (& is) at mom's fault. I know this blame game will continue forever and I will be responsible for all my kids' activities.

My emotions as a mom, were challenged by the society. Society has its black hole and traps people into it at various points of life.

Was the first time parenting full of sour memories? Nope. It equally has beautiful memories. I still remember how I used to embrace my baby belly during pregnancy. I re-collect the moment he was born and doctor put him on my chest with the umbilical cord uncut. I remember the first time I nursed him. I remember how hard it felt when he screamed during vaccinations. His first tooth, his first solid food, first time he crawled, first time he walked - everything remains green. Just that there were traces of algae among the beautiful greens.

It took me one more pregnancy to better handle the mommy moments.

There are hundreds of reference online on parenting but nothing works unless experienced. Experience is the best teacher. Now I know how important is to cuddle with the baby and all the dishes & laundry can wait. It is beautiful to co-sleep with the baby and not separate him in crib. There is a huge lot of difference between nursing from the breast and feeding pumped milk. Above all, baby's meal times should be by his signs not by the clock. I am happy that I had one more baby to reflect the experience :-).

But I have to document here that a mom's love for one baby is no different from another. I have enough love for each one of them.

Motherhood makes me a better person. I grow old as a mom.

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