Saturday 9 May 2015

Motherhood is magnified!!!

Recently the social networks make "Motherhood" sound toughest of everything. It has re-defined motherhood as a rocket science. You ask today's moms "How is it going", their common answer is "Tough".

MOM is reflection of WOW....unpaid job is being a mom...Motherhood is priceless...Its mommy many things...

But is Motherhood that difficult...? Is pregnancy and labor that painful??

Our moms and grand moms and great grand moms handled these with no exaggeration.

Undergoing pregnancy & labor, sleeplessness, nursing baby, bathing, spending time for kids - We started seeing them through the eyes of social network. We got influenced by marketing advertisements and online information.

If something is seen as a task its a "task". If we see it as part of our life cycle, its the easiest. Anything related to the nature stays easy.

My mom and grand-mom never told me labor is tough. In fact, my mom told me its very easy to undergo few minutes of natural labor than recovering from C-section. But the women of my age told me its the toughest of everything.

My grand-mom nursed seven kids. Sometimes two kids at a time had nursed. She never had told that she felt painful. But women of my age told me that the nipple cracks, milk secretion (over & under), nigh time wakening are the worst part of their life. In fact, few of them chose to stay with formula than mother's milk.

Am I seeing only the beautiful side of my mom/grand-mom's motherhood? They also had moody times. They also lost patience. They also had hormonal days. But they handled it without making it an issue. Now everything needs a doctor advicne.

Women's health after pregnancy has two online faces. Some talk about losing the baby weight in few weeks after labor. Some talk about the beauty of motherly woman's body with a baby belly. Two extreme ends to stay with "excuses" as you choose.

People may argue with me that our moms and grand-moms did not go out for work and we do work and share financial responsibilities besides family responsibilities. But "being employed" shouldn't change the way we see things. If positive mind-set is changed by being employed, then we need to correct something right there.

Why do women need a meme to tell them that they are strong...??Why do women need some site to explain what it is to be a mom....??Why do women need somebody to describe that her body is still beautiful after pregnancy...??When did we let so much of external forces play a role in our attitude??

Being a mom is special. It makes a woman complete. It changes a lot in her life. She begins to see life in a different angle. These are all known facts and they cannot change with some written info.

Social media's constant inspirations on Motherhood need to be reduced. Every mom should gain her thoughts from her mom, her grand mom, her great grand mom - not from social media and not from other women influenced by social media.

Pregnancy & labor are not painful. Motherhood is not tough. Knowledge should be rational.

Happy Mother's day!!!

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