Saturday 29 November 2014

Notion of Life - Live Love Lose

My soul keeps seeking something beyond a basic job. But I was never taught beyond that.

Why am I not in a quest for passion? - Because I a victim of certain defined parameters for Success and if I am deviated from those definitions, I am marked "Failed".

Failure is revealed as something 'lacking' and a state of 'suffering'. Even though there are thousands of quotes that says Failure is key to success, a student failed in his high school is socially pressurized to commit suicide!!

This has become common to just limit the learning, limit exploring and create a boundary for success due to fear for failure.

Someone said buy video games which will help kids think logically...Someone else told its good if they watch cartoons which help learning. Above all, another parent told teach chess it will help them kids shine in maths...(!!???)

Chess has to be chess....Video game has to  be video game and Cartoons have to be cartoons...They can't be turned into Maths, Science and English...

There is an increased sales of books that suggests "ways/keys to success" and people often relate success to the marks scored or the amount earned or the designation attained. Even a movie without a "message"/"learning" is a fail, its no more an entertainment.

Why do we look at everything as a material of academics learning...Isn't every event in life is meant to have motive of its own..?

Building a Personality doesn't mean the person should be highly educated and highly earning. It just means he/she should be ready to face uncertainty. Being in the definition of success is not important, handling the "Failed" situation is important. Finding the right solution is important.

All of us are meant to go where life takes us....Not fight to be survival of the fittest. When we run behind survival, we are trapped in a den.

Live Love Lose - has to be the notion of life!!! Quest for passion begins when we know to Live Love and Lose...

Let our next generations know to break the boundary.

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