Friday 19 December 2014

I am born to live

I am a baby like you.
I want my mom's warmth, dad's hug...I am fed with mother's milk. I cry in hunger..I cry when I need a diaper change...I am like you...we are called 'newborn'. 

I crawl. I walk. I learn to talk. My parents love me like they love u..I grow up like you. we are called 'babies'.

I go to school...I study...I learn things like you..I have friends at school. I like playing..I don't like exams. I am just like you. we are called 'students'.

I attain puberty. My hormones change like yours. Mine is oestrogen & yours is testosterone. I have my own natural changes in my body like you have yours. I get  periods, my breasts grow. You get your mustache & you get a change in your voice. We are called 'teens'.

We grow further. We fight a lot in this society to complete our education and position ourselves better. We seek an identity. We fail. We cry. We lose. We stand up. We laugh. We love our family. They call you 'man' & I am called 'woman'. We both form the human race.

But the fight we undergo against the society is different. You fight to win. I fight for basics..I fight for my rights. Yes basic rights!
I fight to continue my education. I fight against dowry. I fight a lot to prove that kitchen is not my only place. I fight against getting teased. I run like a deer that is being chased by a lion. Yes I run for life...

we are same at every point of life, but why am I not getting my rights, my dear friend!!??   When human race is just you & me - who am I fighting against.. Is that you?? 

I am teased by you. I am beaten up by you. I am harassed by you. I am raped by you. I am attacked with you. We,girls/women, have sacrificed many of our lives. 

The changes & differences in our physiques is absolute science. There is nothing we could do about it. Whether I am in a jean or a saree doesn't make a difference in my body parts & you know that. 

The difference is in your thoughts. Erase the discriminative thoughts of seeing myself as a physically different being. Look at all our similarities. Look at me as rights reserved to myself - not to yourself. 

My fight for basic rights will continue until you overcome the ignorance. I am woman - I am born to live.  

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