Friday 10 July 2015

Morning and it's Message

Everyday morning goes well planned. Kids sleep till 7:30...I walk on my tippie-toe so that my lil' one doesn't wake up. He is mommy's boy and his only goal is to stay closer to mommy :-).

Having a 4 burner stove is the best for a working mom. Water, eggs, oats, idlies...ON...
When I unload the dishwasher, 100s of things starts going through the to be sent, meetings to attend, documents to complete, groceries to buy, clothes to iron, Homework to be reviewed.

Workout is one thing that always keeps me away from bad mood and I am not perfect. I skip it some days but never lost the habit.

After the workout and bath I feel refreshed but cannot do the make-up right after. I save time and do it on the way to work and sometimes none :-P

Packing lunches + Snacks...Its not the same lunch/snacks. Its four different lunches and snacks...One for younger one. One for elder one. An unhealthy version for my husband and a healthy version for me. I feel like I am done with 80% of the day by packing lunches properly.

Thank to my healthy habits, I never skip breakfast. That oats & eggs - 365 days breakfast and I never get bored. I used to question myself, if I am really not bored of it. Then I realize, I have never focused and ate the breakfast. I peel the egg and eat right after. I eat the oats at the speed of a running rabbit. I can keep eating it for years as I am just filling me in and not eating.

Thats me in the morning. Now its time for kids to wake up.

After the kids wake up, I at least tell three times to get out of the bed. They roll on the bed. They pull me in and hug me tight. We share the morning hugs and kisses and "I love You"s .

Two different kids. One at 4+ who is never tired of asking questions. Another at 18mons who is never tired of examining 'how things work'. During the brushing and bathing time, I wish I had two more hands.

Time progresses and its time to leave the home. I drop both of them. We go by walk as day care/friend's home are walk-able.

I push the stroller with little one sitting and elder one hanging to it.

My little one enjoys every dog that crosses his way. He gets excited at squirrels that jumps up/down the tree. He responds to every crow that cries. He says "hi" to people who smile. He closes his face and smiles when the sunlight falls on him.

My elder one watches every car that goes. He watches the garbage trucks that stand outside towers. He talks about the monster trucks and their big wheels. He asks if he can play in the sprinkler thats ON for the grass. He guesses the shape of the clouds. He tries to spell the words written on boards/doors,

I listen, smile, laugh, discuss little things, pluck flowers for kids and forget that I have 10+hrs of the day left.   I realize that I am not "grown-up" to run around the clock. The meetings, documents, ppts are not going to be my memories. My memories are going to be the little things that we do and enjoy.

As a kid we enjoyed little things. Eventually during the journey, something took us far away from those...something separated us from living closer to nature. Its not time to analyze whats that "something"...But instead we can start living like a kid....think like a kid....which will slowly get rid of the "something".

I don't need a long weekend and a trip to relax. I have the sun and moon to watch. I have clouds to stare at. I have fresh air to stand up and breathe for few minutes. I can watch the trees, flowers, birds and squirrels. I can just lie down on the green grass. I am gifted to touch those small feet of my babies. I am gifted to hug, kiss and play. I am gifted to love and being loved.

Its not a rough road. It is a way full of beautiful things...There are ups and downs but it should not stop us from taking a pause at little beautiful things.

"In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.” - Buddha

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