Tuesday 16 April 2013

Tiny drops make an ocean

Its not called diet. Its called clean eating. If I say NO to some things, my friends ask me why am I living...they ask just for fun...But I thought about that question seriously...I got the answer too...I have gone through both the phases. I was eating everything one year back. My lunch was never complete without potato fries. If I go for shopping, first thing I do is to go to Ice cream section. I love sweets(even now...). But I love staying healthy more than sweets. After experiencing clean eating. I understood where the real pleasure is!!!!

Workout & Clean eating are just not for people who are fat. Its applicable for everyone. Don't look at workout & Clean eating as weight loss steps. These are habits to be adapted to stay fit & healthy.

Here are few world-known tips that we all can follow to stay healthy...small things but gives noticeable changes.

Implementing these, needs no money, no time. Just needs you & you need to be motivated.

Drink water:
Drink more water. Hydration is an important key. Track the number of  glasses/bottles of water you can consume. Measure the cup/bottle you use to drink water so that you know how much you are drinking and helps tracking the progress.

Drink Lemon juice:
Squeeze half lemon into luke warm water & have it as second thing in the morning(after a glass of water). If you need a sweetener, go for honey.

Don't skip break-fast. If you don't feed your body at right time, you will end up eating more later...Ensure your break-fast is super healthy. It should  have healthy carbs, eggs, nuts, milk but at right portion.

(Just want to say this....I would prefer to have milk in the morning than in evening/night. Even the eggs are preferred to be in breakfast or lunch but not in the dinner.)

Early Dinner:
Have your dinner by 7PM...(assuming you go to bed by 10PM).

Reduce carbs in dinner:
Reduce the in-take of carbs during dinner. (but don't avoid...just reduce...get carbs from fruits/veggies than starchy items). Because your body goes to rest, it doesn't need more energy producers.

Sleep is a good medicine. A human body needs 6 to 7 hrs of sleep per day. Its must for you to take the required rest.

Avoid sleeping in the day time. Particularly after food. But if you are tired & you need a nap, go for it--Listen to your body & act.

Avoid WFC: 

This is a rule I framed for myself...WFC is easy to remember....(we all know a fast food shop in similar name..:-))

           Avoid Whites:
            white sugar, white rice, full fat milk, potatoes

           Avoid F:
           Avoid  Fast food, let it be a local shop near our home or the famous ones....You list them out. If you exchange S & T, FAST becomes FATS.

          Avoid Fried items

          Avoid C :
           Cheese, Cake, Cookies, Cream, Chips, Carbonated drinks, Coffee

**In the above, I know most of you cannot avoid coffee(because I have watched my close ones who love coffee)...But I need to say this...caffeine is equally as bad as carbonated drinks.
Take Black coffee or Green Tea. If not, try to reduce the no. of times of regular coffee...

Calorie Calculation:
If you calculate calories, these are the two points I wanted to share.

1) An apple and a piece of cake contains 90cals...But that doesn't mean cake can replace an apple. what we intake matters & just not calories.
2) If per day calories is calculated, you also need to find the proportion of calories--how much carbs, protein & fat. Don't eat just carbs & fats and attain your total calorie needs. Follow the proportion.

Choose your path & work towards it one at a time...If you failed to follow a point...That's OK...Just correct it next time. 

As I said, these take no time to start. Start right away...Please go & take a glass of water, friends...:-)


  1. In the matter of food... baby steps always helps.

    1. Yes true...when man grows he forgets about the body which means he forgets himself...We concentrate on the factors which would give a happy living like a degree/job & hence money. But we forget that we need to be active & healthy to enjoy these...There is a saying which I like the most..."If you don't care about your body..where are u going to live?"...:-)

  2. Thanx for sharing these info.... Last but not least i like d final one Go & take a glass of water....Bcoz i wont drink water.. trying to increase d water quantity..

    1. Hi Kavi...Thanks for visiting the blog...Yes these things are very easy to do but we look at weight loss as a difficult, extensive process and forget the simple day to day activities which add more value. Try these and let me know how u feel..These are very effective when done regularly. These are the most critical factors along with regular workout and clean eating which made me lose 27lbs ..:-)

  3. Good one.

    How do you calculate the amount of carbs and protein present in Indian food items - eg rice, vegetable poriyals, etc ?

    Can you list down some of the protein rich Indian items/dishes that are best for dinner?

    1. hi...sorry for a late reply...dint notice the comment...when it comes to veggies I dont count calories...just ensure when u make poriyal you use little oil(coconut oil is suggested), dont over cook veggies and dont add coconut. For rice and more, use measuring cup. You should know how much calories u have to intake in a day and split it equally with carbs, protein, veggies, fruits and dairy...I will publish an article with list of foods rich in protein...
