Saturday 19 July 2014

Kingdom: Animalia - Species: Homo Sapiens

Straight into the thoughts....

In Hindu mythology,

  1. Even though the basic life cycle is defined as actions of Male forms. (creation, protection and death - for Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva). All values of humans - Knowledge, Wealth & Power have respective women form Saraswathi, Lakshmi, Shakthi.
  2. At an extreme end, the furious forms are depicted mostly through women - Kaali, Dhurga, Mahishasura Mardini. 
  3. Among the 5 natural elements, earth is woman - because it carries and bears all of us..Only a mother can do that so earth is related to a woman form.
  4. All rivers are named with a woman name -  A river's origination, purpose, purity and end defines how a woman in her life is...
They all have a reason...In particular, the furious forms defined have an eternal meaning. I feel there is beauty in the anger of good against the evils.

This particular Kaali figure depicted by Molee Art(Anirudh Sainath) attracted me a lot(link below...just go in & check out for sure..).The nudity is adding more essence to the anger of Kaali...She is goddess of empowerment. Nudity is not considered physical....its related with the feel & adding extremeness to it.

Kaali depicted by Molee Art(Anirudh Sainath)

So with all that said, what did we do so many years in the name of praising our "culture" which always has equality to women in all the aspects...

 My Grandpa used to stop me whenever I plan to travel alone. He used to warn me to be careful. I had always countered that the world has changed. Incidents prove it wrong. 

A 6 year old is raped...and it happened in a school. As a mom, it pains and I fear...I know how sensitive a kid is to treat both physically and mentally. I pray she and her family gets all the strength to recover...& this is not first incident.

We can never blame illiteracy as root cause. Both literate and Illiterate people equally committed this crime,in the recent past. People cannot add dress code as a way to prevent - because no one knows what dress code a 6 year old should follow.  Laws are evolving in nature and changes based on time and is anger and protests. They fade away.

 Bringing in realization in men is the only way. As a mom, I will teach my boys that women/girls are born to live their life. 

Women(girls) are just being looked as form of flesh and blood. After all, this is how science classifies humans....We belong to "Animal" kingdom. 

Fight against wolves and teach your cubs to save themselves.

Species:H. sapiens

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